Stop pulling directly from risky upstreams like Packagist
Take a step forward. Switch to secure Cloudsmith and away from risky upstreams
With PackagistWhen Packaist goes down, productivity may be impacted
With CloudsmithCaching OSS packages from public upstreams with Cloudsmith ensures that your team remains productive, even when a public repository goes down.
Limited ability to protect your team from bad packages
Cloudsmith protects your team from dependency confusion, namesquatting, typosquatting, denial of service, maintainer deletions, and more
Security scanning happens later in your workflow than is optimal
Shift left. Cloudsmith scans for malware and CVEs, and lets you build rules into how to handle low, medium and high critical software vulnerabilities
Composer Resources
With Cloudsmith you'll still use native PHP tooling, so switching is easy. We've selected some resources to help you learn more about using Composer with Cloudsmith, while retaining access to OSS packages.