
On-demand Session: SLSA 1.0 is here! What’s it mean for you?

Apr 12 2023/Events/1 min read
Picture of Hillary Foster
by Hillary Foster
In this session gather SLSA experts from across the industry to discuss the practical uses of the new 1.0 framework

Any organization that has taken on the daunting task of securing their software supply chain knows the challenges, pitfalls and caveats that come with implementing security best practices. SLSA 1.0, a community-backed framework that provides a comprehensive checklist of security controls and standards, is here! So what does it mean for you and your organization?

In this session gather SLSA experts from across the industry to discuss the practical uses of the framework and address topics such as:

  • What controls are included in the specification and why
  • Real world developer approaches to software supply chain security
  • What's working and what's not working in software supply chain security
  • The first thing an organization should do if they want to secure their software supply chain


  • Isaac Hepworth, Group Product Manager, Software Supply Chain, Google
  • David A. Wheeler, Director of Open Source Supply Chain Security, The Linux Foundation

Moderated by Alison Sickelka, VP of Product, Cloudsmith

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