
You Took HOW Much Money?!?

Nov 28 2023/funding/2 min read
Cloudsmith CEO Glenn Weinstein with Cloudsmith co-founders Alan Carson and Lee Skillen
Left to Right: Alan Carson, Glenn Weinstein and Lee Skillen
Picture of Glenn Weinstein
by Glenn Weinstein

This week, we announced that Cloudsmith has taken an impressive $11M in additional funding, hot on the heels of our $15M Series A two years ago. That's not just serious cash for a startup; it's a game-changer! The natural questions are: why did we take it, and what's our big-picture plan?

Here's the why: Cloudsmith isn't just a proven, enterprise-class artifact management platform; we're a market disruptor. We've consistently outperformed and replaced legacy products like JFrog's Artifactory and Sonatype's Nexus, becoming the go-to choice for large organizations with hundreds of developers. We're not just playing in the big leagues; we're setting the pace.

I've seen this movie before. A SaaS upstart challenges a market burdened by outdated, on-premise software. And SaaS inevitably wins out. It's not a matter of if but when. Companies don't switch off systems like JFrog on a whim, but when they realize it's time to refresh, they will look for something authentic, fresh, and modern. That's Cloudsmith.

We're driven by a sense of urgency to ensure Cloudsmith not just competes but dominates these market takeovers. This means offering a comprehensive, unmatched feature set and amplifying our presence with bold sales and marketing. We're not just waiting to be noticed; we're making sure we're the obvious choice, especially for customers upgrading from JFrog or Sonatype.

And here's the plan: we did a leadership exercise to craft a strategy to turbocharge our growth. It's about scaling up significantly in a few critical areas.

  • A powerhouse engineering team to enhance package format support, innovate, and develop next-gen products and features.
  • An aggressive marketing campaign to tell developers, DevOps teams, and CISOs why we're the superior choice over JFrog and Sonatype. We're not just part of the conversation; we're leading it.
  • An expanded customer success organization with tools for seamless migration and integration, reinforcing our commitment to our users and helping them to make the change.
  • We further cement our global footprint by expanding our tools, teams, and technologies in North America, Europe, and Asia.

Here at Cloudsmith, we've built something extraordinary. Our calling is to simplify the lives of software developers. We're passionate about making our customers' work and lives easier, more productive, and, frankly, more enjoyable with our platform. We're proud of our product; we're revolutionizing software artifact management and distribution.

We're immensely grateful for our investors' faith in us, especially in a challenging VC funding environment. Like our customers, they don't just believe in Cloudsmith; they're betting on our vision to redefine the industry. For everyone who's reading, I invite you to join us on this journey; share your ideas at, and watch us turn them into reality.

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