
Cloudsmith joins NICyber Security Cluster

Aug 6 2021/Security/1 min read
Picture of Alan Carson
by Alan Carson
Cloudsmith was accepted to The Northern Ireland Cyber Security Cluster - companies developing world-leading cybersecurity technologies.

Cloudsmith accepted to The Northern Ireland Cyber Security Cluster - companies developing world-leading cybersecurity technologies.

We were delighted to have joined The Northern Ireland Security Cluster - NICYBER. The cluster consists of companies developing world-leading cybersecurity technologies from Northern Ireland, supported by Queen’s University Belfast Centre for Secure Information Technologies, the UK’s leading university cybersecurity research centre.

Security is a many-headed Hydra. As soon as you've addressed one aspect of securing your software or infrastructure, more attack vectors appear. You can never be secure enough.

That's why at Cloudsmith we're pushing the concept of Universal Provenance as a key aspect of your company's security solution.

We see Universal Provenance as integral to the shift-left initiative - moving quality and security considerations towards the developer - by using packaging to create logical units of software that can be versioned and tested early in the development lifecycle.

Cloudsmith provides tooling for making the storing, sharing and controlling of software assets easy. This enables developers and teams to secure their IP in a centralised, highly available and traceable repository - all while reducing costs and complexity, and accelerating development cycles.

Security is inherent to DevOps best practices.  All modern software pipelines require detailed audit trails to quickly identify issues, weed out bad actors and analyse potential vulnerabilities.

Cloudsmith’s universal package management service gives organisations the high-fidelity control plane they need to understand the provenance of their deployments - which is vital for minimising or eliminating modern security risks.

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