- Other
h1. CopyMove
- Created by: Andrea Franz - - andrea AT gravityblast DOT com
- Current version merged from other forks, refactored and extended by: Andrew vonderLuft - avonderluft AT avlux DOT net
h2. Description
This extension adds a Copy/Move action to the Radiant Page Index administration interface near the ‘Add child’ button. With this extension you can copy or move a page with or without its children.
h2. Updates
- 2.3.x - 03/2011 - merged updates from other forks, refactored; Radiant 1.0 or greater - Andrew vonderLuft
- 2.2.0 - 10/2010 - Radiant 0.9.1 compatible - Benny Degezelle
h2. Installation
h3. From the Radiant Extension Registry
From your RAILS_ROOT run:
script/extension install copy_move
Restart your app
NOTE: In some earlier versions of Radiant, the assets may not be copied and you may therefore need to run:
rake radiant:extensions:copy_move:update
h3. From Github
From your RAILS_ROOT run:
cd vendor/extensions git clone git:// ./copy_move cd ../../ rake radiant:extensions:copy_move:update
Restart your app
h3. Using the gem
Install the gem
gem install radiant-copy_move-extension
Update your Radiant config: add to environment.rb with the other gem.configs
config.gem 'radiant-copy_move_-extension', :lib => false
Copy assets
rake radiant:extensions:update_all
Restart your app
h2. Requirements for very old versions (you really should upgrade)
For Radiant versions < 0.6.7 You need the “shards extension”:
- Open the environment.rb and set shards as first extension to be loaded: config.extensions = [ :shards, :textile_filter, :markdown_filter, :all ]
Radiant versions >= 0.6.7 and greater have Shards built in.
h2. Usage
See the HELP.rdoc
h2. Contributors
- Benny Degezelle
- Mario T. Lanza
- Daniel Collis-Puro
- Sean Cribbs
- Andrew vonderLuft
h2. Credits
This extension contains icons from the FamFamFam Silk icon set. See