Product / Formats

Create Your Own Private Hex Repository

echo "Use native Hex tooling with Cloudsmith"
Use native Hex tooling with Cloudsmith
mix hex.publish package
Upload complete. Package will be available following synchronization.

How we support it

Utilize Hex's native tooling in conjunction with Cloudsmith to securely manage your Hex packages. Cloudsmith offers comprehensive support for Hex, ensuring that your packages are securely stored, scanned for vulnerabilities, and distributed to your team members.

    Private Hex Repository
    Cloudsmith provides the first private Hex repository, allowing you to securely store and distribute your Hex packages.
    Cloud-Native Solution
    Elastic, flexible, and scalable Hex solution fully managed by Cloudsmith to meet your team's needs - wherever they are in the world
    Security First
    Use Cloudsmith's security features, including malware and CVE scanning, to ensure that your Hex packages are free from vulnerabilities.
    Complete Repository Control
    Create public or private repositories and manage access with Cloudsmith's zero trust model

We're here to help you get started with Hex on Cloudsmith

Talk to a Cloudsmith expert today
  • Talk about your technical setup and potential use cases for Hex.
  • Share your goals and any important metrics.
  • Schedule a demo of Cloudsmith led by one of our engineers.
  • Learn about Cloudsmith's pricing and plans for your team.


There’s more than just Hex on Cloudsmith