76 packages found


WebJar for core-js-pure
  1. ecmascript-proposals
  2. es2015
  3. es2019
  4. es6
  5. es7
  6. esnext
  7. javascript
  8. js
  9. polyfill
  10. ponyfill
  11. promise
  12. proposal
  13. proposals
  14. shim
  15. symbol
  16. weakmap
130 Contributors
3.39.0published 2 months agoMIT


Safe(r) monkeypatching for JavaScript.
  1. monkeypatch
  2. swizzle
  3. wrapping
  4. danger
  5. hmm
  6. shim
5 Contributors
1.2.1published 6 years agoBSD-2-Clause


Node.js's util module for all engines
  1. util
  2. nodejs
  3. shim
11 Contributors
0.12.5published 2 years agoMIT


An implementation of WHATWG EventTarget interface.
  1. w3c
  2. whatwg
  3. eventtarget
  4. event
  5. events
  6. shim
  7. javascript
  8. npm
  9. npm-module
  10. npm-package
  11. web
7 Contributors
6.0.2published 4 years agoMIT


Node.js 0.12 path.isAbsolute() ponyfill
  1. path
  2. paths
  3. file
  4. dir
  5. absolute
  6. isabsolute
  7. is-absolute
  8. built-in
  9. util
  10. utils
  11. core
  12. ponyfill
  13. polyfill
  14. shim
  15. is
  16. detect
  17. check
  18. deprecated
2 Contributors
2.0.0published 6 years agoMIT


Standard library
  1. ES3
  2. ES5
  3. ES6
  4. ES7
  5. ES2015
  6. ES2016
  7. ES2017
  8. ES2018
  9. ES2019
  10. ES2020
  11. ES2021
  12. ES2022
  13. ES2023
  14. ES2024
  15. ECMAScript 3
  16. ECMAScript 5
  17. ECMAScript 6
  18. ECMAScript 7
  19. ECMAScript 2015
  20. ECMAScript 2016
  21. ECMAScript 2017
  22. ECMAScript 2018
  23. ECMAScript 2019
  24. ECMAScript 2020
  25. ECMAScript 2021
  26. ECMAScript 2022
  27. ECMAScript 2023
  28. ECMAScript 2024
  29. Map
  30. Set
  31. WeakMap
  32. WeakSet
  33. TypedArray
  34. Promise
  35. Observable
  36. Symbol
  37. Iterator
  38. AsyncIterator
  39. URL
  40. URLSearchParams
  41. queueMicrotask
  42. setImmediate
  43. structuredClone
  44. polyfill
  45. ponyfill
  46. shim
  47. ecmascript-proposals
  48. esnext
  49. javascript
  50. js
  51. proposal
  52. proposals
130 Contributors
3.39.0published 2 months agoMIT


An ES2015 spec-compliant `Function.prototype.name` shim
  1. Function.prototype.name
  2. function
  3. name
  4. ES6
  5. ES2015
  6. shim
  7. polyfill
  8. es-shim API
  9. ecmascript
  10. javascript
2 Contributors
1.1.8published 3 weeks agoMIT


Simple setImmediate shim
  1. setimmediate
  2. immediate
  3. settimeout
  4. timeout
  5. shim
  6. polyfill
  7. ponyfill
3 Contributors
3.1.0published 10 months agoMIT


Spec-compliant polyfill for String.prototype.matchAll
  1. ES2020
  2. ES
  3. String.prototype.matchAll
  4. matchAll
  5. match
  6. regex
  7. regexp
  8. regular
  9. expression
  10. matches
  11. ecmascript
  12. javascript
  13. polyfill
  14. shim
  15. string
1 Contributors
4.0.12published 3 weeks agoMIT


ES2017 spec-compliant String.prototype.padEnd shim.
  1. String.prototype.padRight
  2. String.prototype.padEnd
  3. string
  4. ES2017
  5. ES8
  6. shim
  7. trim
  8. padLeft
  9. padRight
  10. padStart
  11. padEnd
  12. polyfill
  13. es-shim API
1 Contributors
3.1.6published 10 months agoMIT
Showing 1 to 10 of 76 results