12 packages found


cssselect parses CSS3 Selectors and translates them to XPath 1.0
  1. css
  2. hacktoberfest
  3. python
  4. selectors
25 Contributors
1.2.0published 2 years agoBSD-3-Clause


Prefix all CSS rules with a selector
  1. postcss
  2. prefix
  3. selectors
  4. postcss-plugin
  5. css
  6. selector
  7. plugin
20 Contributors
2.1.0published 3 months agoMIT


Use the :focus-visible pseudo-selector in CSS
  1. a11y
  2. accessibility
  3. button
  4. contenteditable
  5. css
  6. cursor
  7. focus
  8. input
  9. javascript
  10. js
  11. keyboards
  12. mice
  13. mouse
  14. pen
  15. pointer
  16. postcss
  17. postcss-plugin
  18. pseudos
  19. ring
  20. select
  21. selectors
  22. textarea
  23. touch
  24. trackpad
125 Contributors
10.0.1published 3 months agoMIT-0


Use the :focus-within pseudo-selector in CSS
  1. a11y
  2. accessibility
  3. ancestors
  4. css
  5. descendants
  6. focus
  7. polyfill
  8. postcss
  9. postcss-plugin
  10. pseudos
  11. selectors
  12. within
126 Contributors
9.0.1published 3 months agoMIT-0


PostCSS plugin to transform :matches() W3C CSS pseudo class to more compatible CSS selectors
  1. postcss
  2. postcss-plugin
  3. selectors
  4. selector
  5. matches
8 Contributors
4.0.0published 6 years agoMIT


Style form elements when they are empty
  1. a11y
  2. accessibility
  3. blank
  4. css
  5. empty
  6. input
  7. javascript
  8. js
  9. polyfill
  10. postcss
  11. postcss-plugin
  12. pseudo
  13. select
  14. selectors
  15. textarea
125 Contributors
7.0.1published 3 months agoMIT-0


Use Custom Selectors in CSS
  1. at-rule
  2. atrule
  3. css
  4. csswg
  5. custom
  6. declarative
  7. extensions
  8. postcss
  9. postcss-plugin
  10. rule
  11. selectors
  12. specification
  13. w3c
125 Contributors
8.0.4published 3 months agoMIT


Nest rules inside each other in CSS
  1. atrules
  2. child
  3. children
  4. css
  5. cssnext
  6. csswg
  7. nested
  8. nestings
  9. postcss
  10. postcss-plugin
  11. rules
  12. selectors
  13. specifications
  14. specs
  15. syntax
  16. w3c
125 Contributors
13.0.1published 3 months agoMIT-0


Parsel is a library to extract data from HTML and XML using XPath and CSS selectors
  1. parsel
  2. css
  3. hacktoberfest
  4. lxml
  5. python
  6. scraping
  7. selectors
  8. xml
  9. xpath
50 Contributors
1.10.0published 3 days agoBSD-3-Clause


Enhance the standard unittest package with features for testing asyncio libraries
  1. unittest
  2. test
  3. testing
  4. asyncio
  5. tulip
  6. selectors
  7. async
  8. mock
12 Contributors
0.13.0published 6 years agoApache-2.0
Showing 1 to 10 of 12 results