10 packages found


Library to handle Ethereum accounts, messages, and transactions.
  1. abi
  2. eip155
  3. eip1559
  4. eip191
  5. eip55
  6. eip712
  7. ethereum
  8. rlp
  9. ruby
  10. secp256k1
  11. solidity
  12. transaction
35 Contributors
0.5.13published 1 month agoApache-2.0


🔌 TypeChain target for ethers-v5
  1. ethers
  2. ethersjs
  3. ethereum
  4. TypeChain
  5. TypeScript
  6. abi
  7. blockchain
  8. smartcontract
  9. solidity
  10. truffle
  11. web3
68 Contributors
11.1.2published 1 year agoMIT


TypeScript Interface for Ethereum
  1. eth
  2. ethereum
  3. dapps
  4. wallet
  5. web3
  6. typescript
  7. abi
  8. contracts
  9. dapp
  10. viem
  11. wagmi
372 Contributors
2.22.10published 16 hours agoMIT


Collection of connectors for Wagmi
  1. react
  2. hooks
  3. eth
  4. ethereum
  5. dapps
  6. wallet
  7. web3
  8. abi
  9. dapp
  10. typescript
  11. viem
  12. vue
  13. wagmi
229 Contributors
5.7.3published 1 month agoMIT


Get the Node ABI for a given target and runtime, and vice versa.
  1. node
  2. electron
  3. node_module_version
  4. abi
  5. v8
32 Contributors
3.73.0published 5 days agoMIT


Export Ethereum smart contract ABIs on compilation
  1. hardhat
  2. buidler
  3. abi
  4. solidity
  5. solc
  6. smart-contracts
  7. ethereum
  8. blockchain
  9. version-control
  10. wow
  11. dapps
  12. eth
  13. ether
9 Contributors
2.10.1published 2 years agoMIT


Strict TypeScript types for Ethereum ABIs
  1. abi
  2. eth
  3. ethereum
  4. types
  5. typescript
  6. viem
  7. wagmi
  8. web3
  9. wevm
  10. static-types
  11. type-inference
23 Contributors
1.0.8published 1 month agoMIT


Zero-config TypeChain support for Hardhat
  1. TypeScript
  2. hardhat
  3. plugin
  4. typechain
  5. ethereum
  6. bindings
  7. smartcontract
  8. blockchain
  9. abi
  10. solidity
  11. truffle
  12. web3
68 Contributors
9.1.0published 1 year agoMIT


🔌 TypeScript bindings for Ethereum smartcontracts
  1. ethereum
  2. TypeScript
  3. bindings
  4. smartcontract
  5. blockchain
  6. abi
  7. solidity
  8. truffle
  9. web3
68 Contributors
8.3.2published 1 year agoMIT


Nodejs and Javascript library for decoding data params and events from ethereum transactions"
  1. ethereum
  2. abi
  3. decode
  4. ethereum-dapp
14 Contributors
2.4.0published 4 years agoGPL-3.0
Showing 1 to 10 of 10 results