8 packages found


Super simple and fast PDF invoicing in pure Ruby (based on Prawn library).
  1. server
  2. prawn
  3. invoice
  4. pdf-invoice
  5. command-line-tool
  6. pdf-generation
  7. invoice-pdf
9 Contributors
2.4.0published 3 months agoMIT


Super simple and fast PDF invoicing in pure Ruby (based on Prawn library).
  1. server
  2. prawn
  3. invoice
  4. pdf-invoice
  5. command-line-tool
  6. pdf-generation
  7. invoice-pdf
9 Contributors
2.4.0published 3 months agoMIT


Thinreports is an open source report generation tool for Ruby.
  1. pdf
  2. prawn
  3. rails
  4. reporting
  5. ruby
  6. thinreports
9 Contributors
0.14.2published 1 year agoMIT


Squid expands Prawn providing method to easily draw graphs in PDF files.
  1. chart
  2. charts
  3. gem
  4. graph
  5. graphs
  6. pdf
  7. prawn
  8. report
  9. ruby
5 Contributors
1.4.1published 7 years agoMIT


PDF::Core is used by Prawn to render PDF documents. It provides low-level format support.
  1. pdf
  2. prawn
17 Contributors
0.10.0published 10 months agoGPL-2.0-only, GPL-3.0-only


An add-on converter for Asciidoctor that converts AsciiDoc documents to PDF using the Prawn PDF generation library.
  1. asciidoc
  2. asciidoctor
  3. converter
  4. pdf
  5. pdf-generation
  6. prawn
  7. ruby
87 Contributors
2.3.19published 3 months agoMIT


Super simple and fast PDF invoicing in pure Ruby (based on Prawn library).
  1. server
  2. prawn
  3. invoice
  4. pdf-invoice
  5. command-line-tool
  6. pdf-generation
  7. invoice-pdf
9 Contributors
2.4.0published 3 months agoMIT, MulanPSL-1.0, Apache-2.0


Prawn is a fast, tiny, and nimble PDF generator for Ruby
  1. pdf
  2. pdf-generator
  3. prawn
  4. ruby
153 Contributors
2.5.0published 10 months agoGPL-2.0-only, GPL-3.0-only
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results