5 packages found


To calculate token and translated USD cost of string and message calls to OpenAI, for example when used by AI agents
  1. analytics
  2. claude
  3. large-language-models
  4. llm
  5. observability
  6. openai
  7. price
  8. price-tracker
  9. token
  10. tokenization
12 Contributors
0.1.18published 1 month agoMIT


Django fields for the prices module
  1. currencies
  2. currency
  3. django
  4. money
  5. price
  6. python
22 Contributors
2.3.0published 3 years agoBSD-3-Clause


A JavaScript / TypeScript / Python / C# / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 100+ exchanges
  1. algorithmic
  2. algotrading
  3. altcoin
  4. altcoins
  5. api
  6. arbitrage
  7. real-time
  8. realtime
  9. backtest
  10. backtesting
  11. bitcoin
  12. bot
  13. btc
  14. cny
  15. coin
  16. coins
  17. crypto
  18. cryptocurrency
  19. crypto currency
  20. crypto market
  21. currency
  22. currencies
  23. darkcoin
  24. dash
  25. digital currency
  26. doge
  27. dogecoin
  28. e-commerce
  29. etc
  30. eth
  31. ether
  32. ethereum
  33. exchange
  34. exchanges
  35. eur
  36. framework
  37. invest
  38. investing
  39. investor
  40. library
  41. light
  42. litecoin
  43. ltc
  44. market
  45. market data
  46. markets
  47. merchandise
  48. merchant
  49. minimal
  50. ohlcv
  51. order
  52. orderbook
  53. order book
  54. price
  55. price data
  56. pricefeed
  57. private
  58. public
  59. ripple
  60. strategy
  61. ticker
  62. tickers
  63. toolkit
  64. trade
  65. trader
  66. trading
  67. usd
  68. volume
  69. websocket
  70. websockets
  71. web socket
  72. web sockets
  73. ws
  74. xbt
  75. xrp
  76. zec
  77. zerocoin
  78. cryptocurrencies
  79. market-data
  80. memecoin
543 Contributors
4.4.68published 1 day agoMIT


A JavaScript / TypeScript / Python / C# / PHP cryptocurrency trading library with support for 100+ exchanges
  1. algorithmic
  2. algotrading
  3. altcoin
  4. altcoins
  5. api
  6. arbitrage
  7. real-time
  8. realtime
  9. backtest
  10. backtesting
  11. bitcoin
  12. bot
  13. btc
  14. cny
  15. coin
  16. coins
  17. crypto
  18. cryptocurrency
  19. currency
  20. market
  21. currencies
  22. darkcoin
  23. dash
  24. digital
  25. doge
  26. dogecoin
  27. e-commerce
  28. etc
  29. eth
  30. ether
  31. ethereum
  32. exchange
  33. exchanges
  34. eur
  35. framework
  36. invest
  37. investing
  38. investor
  39. library
  40. light
  41. litecoin
  42. ltc
  43. data
  44. markets
  45. merchandise
  46. merchant
  47. minimal
  48. ohlcv
  49. order
  50. orderbook
  51. book
  52. price
  53. pricefeed
  54. private
  55. public
  56. ripple
  57. strategy
  58. ticker
  59. tickers
  60. toolkit
  61. trade
  62. trader
  63. trading
  64. usd
  65. volume
  66. websocket
  67. websockets
  68. web
  69. socket
  70. sockets
  71. ws
  72. xbt
  73. xrp
  74. zec
  75. zerocoin
  76. cryptocurrencies
  77. market-data
  78. memecoin
554 Contributors
4.4.68published 1 day agoMIT


Backtest trading strategies in Python
  1. algo
  2. algorithmic
  3. ashi
  4. backtest
  5. backtesting
  6. bitcoin
  7. bokeh
  8. bonds
  9. candle
  10. candlestick
  11. cboe
  12. chart
  13. cme
  14. commodities
  15. crash
  16. crypto
  17. currency
  18. doji
  19. drawdown
  20. equity
  21. etf
  22. ethereum
  23. exchange
  24. finance
  25. financial
  26. forecast
  27. forex
  28. fund
  29. futures
  30. fx
  31. fxpro
  32. gold
  33. heiken
  34. historical
  35. indicator
  36. invest
  37. investing
  38. investment
  39. macd
  40. market
  41. mechanical
  42. money
  43. oanda
  44. ohlc
  45. ohlcv
  46. order
  47. price
  48. profit
  49. quant
  50. quantitative
  51. rsi
  52. silver
  53. simulation
  54. stocks
  55. strategy
  56. ticker
  57. trader
  58. trading
  59. tradingview
  60. usd
  61. algo-trading
  62. algorithmic-trading
  63. backtesting-engine
  64. backtesting-frameworks
  65. backtesting-trading-strategies
  66. financial-markets
  67. forex-trading
  68. framework
  69. hacktoberfest
  70. investment-strategies
  71. trading-algorithms
  72. trading-simulator
  73. trading-strategies
0.6.3published 4 days agoAGPL-3.0
Showing 1 to 5 of 5 results