7 packages found


kraken.com cryptocurrency exchange API
  1. api-client
  2. cryptocurrency
  3. exchange-api
  4. kraken
  5. python
12 Contributors
2.2.2published 8 months agoLGPL-3.0


Common API dependency
  1. api
  2. api-client
  3. auth
  4. chat
  5. eventsub
  6. gradle
  7. hacktoberfest
  8. helix
  9. irc
  10. java
  11. kraken
  12. oauth
  13. pubsub
  14. tmi
  15. twitch
  16. twitch-api
  17. twitch-api-v5
  18. twitch-irc
  19. twitchdev
  20. webhook
35 Contributors
1.24.0published 3 weeks agoMIT


PM2/Keymetrics advanced API
  1. cli
  2. fault tolerant
  3. sysadmin
  4. tools
  5. pm2
  6. logs
  7. log
  8. json
  9. express
  10. hapi
  11. kraken
  12. reload
  13. microservice
  14. programmatic
  15. harmony
  16. node-pm2
  17. production
  18. keymetrics
  19. node.js monitoring
  20. strong-pm
  21. deploy
  22. deployment
  23. daemon
  24. supervisor
  25. nodemon
  26. pm2.io
  27. ghost
  28. ghost production
  29. monitoring
  30. process manager
  31. forever
  32. profiling
  33. probes
  34. process-metrics
  35. process metrics
  36. metrics
  37. custom actions
  38. forever-monitor
  39. keep process alive
  40. process configuration
  41. clustering
  42. cluster cli
  43. cluster
  44. cron
  45. devops
  46. dev ops
  47. average
  48. calculation
  49. nodejs
23 Contributors
1.6.7published 7 years agoMIT


WebSocket Client for Twitch4J modules
  1. api
  2. api-client
  3. auth
  4. chat
  5. eventsub
  6. gradle
  7. hacktoberfest
  8. helix
  9. irc
  10. java
  11. kraken
  12. oauth
  13. pubsub
  14. tmi
  15. twitch
  16. twitch-api
  17. twitch-api-v5
  18. twitch-irc
  19. twitchdev
  20. webhook
37 Contributors
1.24.0published 3 weeks agoMIT


A Python implementation of the Kraken API.
  1. api-client
  2. cryptocurrency
  3. exchange
  4. finance
  5. kraken
  6. python
14 Contributors
0.3.2published 1 year agoGPL-3.0


Authentication dependency
  1. api
  2. api-client
  3. auth
  4. chat
  5. eventsub
  6. gradle
  7. hacktoberfest
  8. helix
  9. irc
  10. java
  11. kraken
  12. oauth
  13. pubsub
  14. tmi
  15. twitch
  16. twitch-api
  17. twitch-api-v5
  18. twitch-irc
  19. twitchdev
  20. webhook
37 Contributors
1.24.0published 3 weeks agoMIT


Production process manager for Node.JS applications with a built-in load balancer.
  1. cli
  2. fault tolerant
  3. sysadmin
  4. tools
  5. pm2
  6. logs
  7. log
  8. json
  9. express
  10. hapi
  11. kraken
  12. reload
  13. load balancer
  14. lb
  15. load-balancer
  16. kubernetes
  17. k8s
  18. pm2-docker
  19. runtime
  20. source maps
  21. graceful
  22. microservice
  23. programmatic
  24. harmony
  25. node-pm2
  26. production
  27. keymetrics
  28. node.js monitoring
  29. strong-pm
  30. deploy
  31. deployment
  32. daemon
  33. supervisor
  34. supervisord
  35. nodemon
  36. pm2.io
  37. ghost
  38. ghost production
  39. monitoring
  40. process manager
  41. forever
  42. profiling
  43. probes
  44. apm
  45. container
  46. forever-monitor
  47. keep process alive
  48. process configuration
  49. clustering
  50. cluster cli
  51. cluster
  52. docker
  53. cron
  54. devops
  55. dev ops
  56. command-line
  57. command-line-tool
  58. node
  59. nodejs
  60. process-manager
294 Contributors
5.4.3published 4 months agoAGPL-3.0
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 results