6 packages found


Use Youtube-Like ID in ActiveRecord seamlessly.
  1. ruby
  2. rails
  3. activerecord
  4. hashids
  5. actioncontroller
6 Contributors
0.2.0published 2 years agoMIT


A Hashids obfuscated Django Model Field
  1. django
  2. hashids
  3. hashid
  4. django-rest-framework
16 Contributors
3.4.1published 9 months agoMIT


Use hashids when you do not want to expose your database ids to the user.
  1. hashids
  2. ruby
16 Contributors
1.0.6published 3 years agoMIT


This gem allows you to easily use [Hashids](http://hashids.org/ruby/) in your Rails app. Instead of your models using sequential numbers like 1, 2, 3, they will instead have unique short hashes like "yLA6m0oM", "5bAyD0LO", and "wz3MZ49l". The database will still use integers…
  1. hashids
  2. rails
  3. ruby
10 Contributors
1.3.3published 6 years agoMIT


This gem allows you to easily use [Hashids](http://hashids.org/ruby/) in your Rails app. Instead of your models using sequential numbers like 1, 2, 3, they will instead have unique short hashes like "yLA6m0oM", "5bAyD0LO", and "wz3MZ49l". The database will still use integers…
  1. hashids
  2. rails
  3. ruby
10 Contributors
1.4.1published 4 years agoMIT


Generate YouTube-like ids from numbers. Use Hashids when you do not want to expose your database ids to the user.
  1. hashids
  2. hashid
  3. hash
  4. ids
  5. youtube
  6. bitly
  7. obfuscate
  8. encode
  9. decode
  10. encrypt
  11. decrypt
  12. database-ids
  13. encoding
  14. hacktoberfest
  15. javascript
  16. node
  17. npm-package
24 Contributors
2.3.0published 2 years agoMIT
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 results