8 packages found


A Lucide icon library package for React applications
  1. Lucide
  2. React
  3. Feather
  4. Icons
  5. Icon
  6. SVG
  7. Feather Icons
  8. Fontawesome
  9. Font Awesome
  10. feather-icons
  11. figma
  12. svg-icons
  13. svgs
  14. ui-components
  15. ui-design
  16. vue
189 Contributors
0.469.0published 3 weeks agoISC


Zoom and pan html elements in easy way
  1. react
  2. zoom
  3. pan
  4. pinch
  5. animation
  6. velocity
  7. css
  8. fast
  9. transformations
  10. scale
  11. drag
  12. viewer
  13. reacts
  14. touch
  15. css3
  16. svg
  17. bounds
  18. context
  19. figma
  20. gesture
  21. html-manipulation
  22. miro
  23. react-component
  24. zoomin
  25. zoomout
46 Contributors
3.6.1published 6 months agoMIT


A Lucide icon library package for Svelte applications
  1. Lucide
  2. Svelte
  3. Feather
  4. Icons
  5. Icon
  6. SVG
  7. Feather Icons
  8. Fontawesome
  9. Font Awesome
  10. feather-icons
  11. figma
  12. react
  13. svg-icons
  14. svgs
  15. ui-components
  16. ui-design
  17. vue
189 Contributors
0.469.0published 3 weeks agoISC


A Lucide icon library package for Vue 3 applications
  1. Lucide
  2. Vue
  3. Feather
  4. Icons
  5. Icon
  6. SVG
  7. Feather Icons
  8. Fontawesome
  9. Font Awesome
  10. feather-icons
  11. figma
  12. react
  13. svg-icons
  14. svgs
  15. ui-components
  16. ui-design
173 Contributors
0.469.0published 3 weeks agoISC


CLI Package for Tkinter-Designer
  1. tkinter
  2. drag-and-drop
  3. figma
  4. gui
  5. easy
  6. automatic
  7. collaborate
  8. easy-to-use
  9. fast
  10. gui-application
  11. hacktoberfest
  12. learn
  13. python
  14. python-script
  15. python3
  16. tkinter-designer
  17. tkinter-graphic-interface
  18. tkinter-gui
  19. tkinter-python
  20. tkinter-widgets
31 Contributors
1.0.7published 2 years agoBSD-3-Clause


An avatar library for designers and developers.
  1. avatar
  2. identicon
  3. api
  4. avataaars
  5. avatar-placeholder
  6. avatars
  7. bottts
  8. dicebear
  9. figma
  10. pixel-art
9 Contributors
9.2.2published 4 months agoMIT


The most popular library of interactive components built with Tailwind CSS
  1. flowbite
  2. typescript
  3. javascript
  4. webpack
  5. html
  6. css
  7. component library
  8. ui components
  9. tailwind
  10. tailwind css
  11. tailwind components
  12. tailwind elements
  13. tailwind library
  14. tailwind sections
  15. tailwind ui
  16. tailwind react
  17. tailwind vue
  18. tailwind angular
  19. tailwind svelte
  20. tailwind django
  21. tailwind ruby on rails
  22. tailwind laravel
  23. tailwind nuxt
  24. tailwind next
  25. tailwind astro
  26. tailwind flask
  27. eslint
  28. prettier
  29. cjs
  30. esm
  31. umd
  32. components
  33. design-system
  34. figma
  35. hugo
  36. tailwindcss
  37. ui-components
  38. ui-framework
  39. ui-library
83 Contributors
2.5.2published 3 months agoMIT


Storybook addon for embedding your design preview in addon panel
  1. storybook-addon
  2. design
  3. figma
  4. addon
  5. javascript
  6. storybook
24 Contributors
6.3.1published 3 years agoMIT
Showing 1 to 8 of 8 results