200 packages found


WebJar for @babel/plugin-transform-typescript
  1. ast
  2. babel
  3. compiler
  4. es2015
  5. es6
  6. flavortown
  7. javascript
718 Contributors
7.21.3published 2 years agoMIT


A Babel preset for each environment.
  1. ast
  2. babel
  3. compiler
  4. es2015
  5. es6
  6. flavortown
  7. javascript
717 Contributors
7.26.0published 2 months agoMIT


Babel plugin for turning __proto__ into a shallow property clone
  1. babel-plugin
  2. ast
  3. babel
  4. compiler
  5. es2015
  6. es6
  7. flavortown
  8. javascript
716 Contributors
7.25.9published 3 months agoMIT


Allow parsing of export namespace from
  1. babel-plugin
  2. ast
  3. babel
  4. compiler
  5. es2015
  6. es6
  7. flavortown
  8. javascript
716 Contributors
7.8.3published 5 years agoMIT


WebJar for @babel/plugin-transform-modules-systemjs
  1. ast
  2. babel
  3. compiler
  4. es2015
  5. es6
  6. flavortown
  7. javascript
718 Contributors
8.0.0-alpha.6published 11 months agoMIT


WebJar for babel-plugin-transform-es2015-arrow-functions
  1. ast
  2. babel
  3. compiler
  4. es2015
  5. es6
  6. flavortown
  7. javascript
717 Contributors
6.22.0published 8 years agoMIT


WebJar for @babel/helper-annotate-as-pure
  1. ast
  2. babel
  3. compiler
  4. es2015
  5. es6
  6. flavortown
  7. javascript
720 Contributors
7.25.9published 3 months agoMIT


WebJar for @babel/helper-create-regexp-features-plugin
  1. ast
  2. babel
  3. compiler
  4. es2015
  5. es6
  6. flavortown
  7. javascript
715 Contributors
7.25.9published 3 months agoMIT


WebJar for core-js-pure
  1. ecmascript-proposals
  2. es2015
  3. es2019
  4. es6
  5. es7
  6. esnext
  7. javascript
  8. js
  9. polyfill
  10. ponyfill
  11. promise
  12. proposal
  13. proposals
  14. shim
  15. symbol
  16. weakmap
130 Contributors
3.39.0published 2 months agoMIT


JavaScript Standard Style JSX support - ESLint Shareable Config
  1. JavaScript Standard Style
  2. check
  3. checker
  4. code
  5. code checker
  6. code linter
  7. code standards
  8. code style
  9. enforce
  10. eslint
  11. eslintconfig
  12. hint
  13. jscs
  14. jshint
  15. jsx
  16. lint
  17. policy
  18. quality
  19. simple
  20. standard
  21. standard style
  22. style
  23. style checker
  24. style linter
  25. verify
  26. development
  27. ecmascript
  28. es6
  29. javascript
  30. linter
  31. nodejs
  32. static-code-analysis
  33. style-guide
18 Contributors
11.0.0published 3 years agoMIT
Showing 1 to 10 of 200 results