15 packages found


Drawing in terminal with unicode braille characters
  1. terminal
  2. braille
  3. drawing
  4. canvas
  5. console
23 Contributors
0.2.0published 2 months agoOther


A command-line tool that draws basic graphs in the terminal.
  1. python
  2. CLI
  3. tool
  4. drawing
  5. graphs
  6. shell
  7. terminal
24 Contributors
0.5.3published 3 years agoMIT


Nice-looking lightweight console ASCII line charts ╭┈╯ with no dependencies
  1. asciichart
  2. ascii
  3. chart
  4. charting
  5. charts
  6. console
  7. terminal
  8. draw
  9. box-drawing
  10. box
  11. drawing
  12. stats
  13. line
  14. linear
  15. plot
  16. graph
  17. graphics
  18. command
  19. commandline
  20. bash
  21. shell
  22. sh
  23. light
  24. ansi
  25. ascii-chart
  26. browser
  27. charting-library
  28. console-log
  29. javascript
  30. js
  31. line-charts
  32. lines
  33. node-js
  34. nodejs
  35. text-chart
20 Contributors
1.5.25published 4 years agoMIT


Interactive diagrams, charts, and graphs, such as trees, flowcharts, orgcharts, UML, BPMN, or business diagrams
  1. GoJS
  2. diagram
  3. chart
  4. tree
  5. flowchart
  6. orgchart
  7. uml
  8. bpmn
  9. graph
  10. editor
  11. drawing
  12. canvas
  13. svg
  14. hierarchy
  15. family-tree
  16. decision-tree
  17. mindmap
  18. treeview
  19. genogram
  20. ivr-tree
  21. parse-tree
  22. concept-map
  23. visualization
  24. entity-relationship
  25. er-diagram
  26. radial
  27. sankey
  28. pert
  29. gantt
  30. timeline
  31. swimlane
  32. workflow
  33. flow
  34. process
  35. state
  36. sequential-function
  37. grafcet
  38. sequence
  39. circuit
  40. dataflow
  41. data-flow
  42. planogram
  43. floorplan
  44. seating
  45. pipes
  46. layout
  47. tree-layout
  48. force-directed
  49. layered
  50. hierarchical
  51. circular
  52. fishbone
  53. ishikawa
  54. treemap
  55. tree-map
  56. subgraph
  57. network
  58. library
  59. typescript
  60. charts
  61. data-visualization
  62. es6
  63. es6-modules
  64. html
  65. interactive-diagrams
  66. javascript
  67. javascript-library
  68. typescript-library
11 Contributors
3.0.16published 1 month agoImlib2


Vector drawing plugin for Leaflet
  1. maps
  2. leaflet
  3. client
  4. vector
  5. drawing
  6. draw
110 Contributors
1.0.4published 6 years agoMIT


A tiny little drawing editor.
  1. tldraw
  2. drawing
  3. app
  4. development
  5. whiteboard
  6. canvas
  7. infinite
  8. collaboration
  9. design
  10. diagram
  11. multiplayer
  12. react
  13. sketch
  14. sync
166 Contributors
3.7.0published 2 days agoICU


A Streamlit custom component for a free drawing canvas using Fabric.js.
  1. drawing
  2. fabric
  3. image-annotation
  4. python
  5. react
  6. streamlit
8 Contributors
0.9.3published 2 years agoMIT


A tiny little drawing app (editor).
  1. tldraw
  2. drawing
  3. app
  4. development
  5. whiteboard
  6. canvas
  7. infinite
  8. collaboration
  9. design
  10. diagram
  11. multiplayer
  12. react
  13. sketch
  14. sync
174 Contributors
3.6.1published 3 weeks agoICU


A runtime validation library by tldraw.
  1. tldraw
  2. drawing
  3. app
  4. development
  5. whiteboard
  6. canvas
  7. infinite
  8. collaboration
  9. design
  10. diagram
  11. multiplayer
  12. react
  13. sketch
  14. sync
174 Contributors
3.7.0published 2 days agoICU


SVG drawing library
  1. svg
  2. drawing
  3. vector
  4. art
  5. generative-art
  6. python
  7. svg-py
  8. vector-graphics
7 Contributors
1.5.0published 4 months agoMIT
Showing 1 to 10 of 15 results