7 packages found


Find unused files, dependencies and exports in your TypeScript and JavaScript projects
  1. analysis
  2. analyze
  3. class
  4. cli
  5. dead code
  6. dependencies
  7. detect
  8. devDependencies
  9. duplicate
  10. entropy
  11. enum
  12. export
  13. files
  14. find
  15. javascript
  16. lint
  17. maintenance
  18. members
  19. missing
  20. monorepo
  21. namespace
  22. package
  23. scan
  24. types
  25. typescript
  26. unreferenced
  27. unresolved
  28. unused
  29. workspace
  30. dependencies-checking
  31. dependency-analysis
  32. elimination
  33. unused-code
  34. unused-exports
  35. unused-imports
81 Contributors
5.41.1published 3 weeks agoISC


Mad metrics for your rollup bundles, know all the things
  1. rollup
  2. plugin
  3. config
  4. import
  5. bundle
  6. file
  7. size
  8. treeshaking
  9. metrics
  10. analysis
  11. analyze
  12. analyzer
  13. bloat
5 Contributors
4.0.0published 4 years agoMIT


Webpack plugin and CLI utility that represents bundle content as convenient interactive zoomable treemap
  1. webpack
  2. bundle
  3. analyzer
  4. modules
  5. size
  6. interactive
  7. chart
  8. treemap
  9. zoomable
  10. zoom
  11. analyze
  12. webpack-bundle-analyzer
71 Contributors
4.10.2published 9 months agoMIT


find all require() calls by walking the AST
  1. analyze
  2. ast
  3. require
  4. source
  5. commonjs
  6. dependencies
  7. javascript
  8. modules
23 Contributors
5.2.1published 3 years agoMIT


The core `url` packaged standalone for use with Browserify.
  1. parsing
  2. url
  3. analyze
13 Contributors
0.11.4published 5 months agoMIT


A tool for analyzing the module tree of a browserify bundle or node project
  1. analyze
  2. analytics
  3. directory
  4. file
  5. modules
  6. tree
  7. tool
  8. browserify
  9. size
  10. structure
  11. visualize
15 Contributors
1.3.3published 7 years agoMIT


JavaScript source analysis and visualizer
  1. halstead
  2. visualize
  3. cyclomatic
  4. complexity
  5. report
  6. analysis
  7. analyze
29 Contributors
1.7.0published 8 years agoMIT
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 results