
1.7last stable release 9 months ago
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  • MIT
    • Yesattribution
    • Permissivelinking
    • Permissivedistribution
    • Permissivemodification
    • Nopatent grant
    • Yesprivate use
    • Permissivesublicensing
    • Notrademark grant



============= webexteamssdk

Work with the Webex APIs in native Python!

.. image:: https://img.shields.io/badge/license-MIT-blue.svg :target: https://github.com/WebexCommunity/WebexPythonSDK/blob/master/LICENSE .. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/webexteamssdk.svg :target: https://pypi.org/project/webexteamssdk/ .. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/dw/webexteamssdk.svg :target: https://pypi.org/project/webexteamssdk/ .. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/webexteamssdk/badge/?version=latest :target: http://webexteamssdk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/?badge=latest

webexteamssdk v1.7 will be the last 🤞 release of the webexteamssdk package. This will be the last release supporting Python v2 and v3 compatibility; it is compatible Python v3 releases up to Python v3.10.

Going forward, the webexteamssdk package will be replaced by the WebexPythonSDK package, which will support Python v3.10+.

webexteamssdk is a community developed Python library for working with the Webex APIs. Our goal is to make working with Webex in Python a native and natural experience!

.. code-block:: Python

from webexteamssdk import WebexTeamsAPI

api = WebexTeamsAPI()

# Find all rooms that have 'webexteamssdk Demo' in their title
all_rooms = api.rooms.list()
demo_rooms = [room for room in all_rooms if 'webexteamssdk Demo' in room.title]

# Delete all of the demo rooms
for room in demo_rooms:

# Create a new demo room
demo_room = api.rooms.create('webexteamssdk Demo')

# Add people to the new demo room
email_addresses = ["test01@cmlccie.com", "test02@cmlccie.com"]
for email in email_addresses:
    api.memberships.create(demo_room.id, personEmail=email)

# Post a message to the new room, and upload a file
api.messages.create(demo_room.id, text="Welcome to the room!",

That’s more than 6 Webex API calls in less than 23 lines of code (with comments and whitespace), and likely more than that, since webexteamssdk handles pagination_ for you automatically!

webexteamssdk makes your life better… Learn how!__

__ Introduction_


webexteamssdk does all of this for you:

  • Transparently sources your Webex access token from your local environment

  • Provides and uses default arguments and settings everywhere possible, so you don’t have to think about things like API endpoint URLs, HTTP headers and JSON formats

  • Represents all Webex API interactions using native Python tools

    • Authentication and Connection to the Webex Cloud ==> WebexTeamsAPI “connection object”

    • API Calls ==> Hierarchically organized methods underneath the WebexTeamsAPI ‘Connection Object’

    • Returned Data Objects ==> Native Python objects

  • Automatic and transparent pagination!

  • Automatic rate-limit handling! (wait|retry)

  • Multipart encoding and uploading of local files

  • Auto-completion in your favorite IDE, descriptive exceptions, and so much more…


Installing and upgrading webexteamssdk is easy:

Install via PIP

.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install webexteamssdk

Upgrade to the latest version

.. code-block:: bash

$ pip install webexteamssdk --upgrade


Excellent documentation is now available at: http://webexteamssdk.readthedocs.io

Check out the Quickstart_ to dive in and begin using webexteamssdk.


Are you looking for some sample scripts? Check out the examples_ folder!

Have a good example script you would like to share? Please feel free to contribute__!

__ Contribution_

Release Notes

Please see the releases_ page for release notes on the incremental functionality and bug fixes incorporated into the published releases.

Questions, Support & Discussion

webexteamssdk is a community developed and community-supported project. If you experience any issues using this package, please report them using the issues_ page.

Please join the Python Webex Teams Devs__ Webex space to ask questions, join the discussion, and share your projects and creations.

__ Community_


webexteamssdk is a community development project. Feedback, thoughts, ideas, and code contributions are welcome! Please see the Contributing_ guide for more information.


The Webex Python SDK (webexteamssdk) library started as Cisco Spark API (ciscosparkapi). We updated the library’s name in alignment with Cisco’s re-brand of Cisco Spark to Webex. The Cisco Spark API library has been deprecated and is no longer supported; however, its open-source codebase is still available in the ciscosparkapi_ branch of this repository.

The development team may make additional name changes as the library evolves with the Webex APIs published on developer.webex.com.

Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates.

.. _Release Plan: https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/webexteamssdk/wiki/Release-Plans .. _Introduction: http://webexteamssdk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/intro.html .. _pagination: https://developer.webex.com/docs/basics#pagination .. _webexteamssdk.readthedocs.io: https://webexteamssdk.readthedocs.io .. _Quickstart: http://webexteamssdk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user/quickstart.html .. _examples: https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/webexteamssdk/tree/master/examples .. _webexteamssdk: https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/webexteamssdk .. _issues: https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/webexteamssdk/issues .. _Community: https://eurl.io/#HkMxO-_9- .. _projects: https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/webexteamssdk/projects .. _pull requests: https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/webexteamssdk/pulls .. _releases: https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/webexteamssdk/releases .. the repository: webexteamssdk .. pull request: pull requests .. _Contributing: https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/webexteamssdk/blob/master/docs/contributing.rst .. _ciscosparkapi: https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/ciscosparkapi/tree/ciscosparkapi


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