Early Access

Cloudsmith Web App. Register for Early Access.

In Q2 2024 Cloudsmith will release a completely overhauled version of our web app, replacing the current Cloudsmith.io. We're offering Cloudsmith customers a first-look. If you're curious about what's changing and why, read on.

Early Access

Help us test the new app, and share your ideas for future improvement by joining our Early Access Program.
  1. In Q2 2024 we will release an improved web app, in place of the current Cloudsmith.io. We're doing this to improve the overall user experience; addressing feedback from customers about the speed and usability of the app. Technically, the new app will be a significant step forward, setting us up to deliver new features and improvements faster than ever before. We're also designing the new app to reflect our new brand language.

  2. It's very important to us that our customers are happy to make the switch to the new web app. We're asking you to trial the new web app before a general release. Your feedback will help us to identify issues and make improvements early. We'll also gather your ideas for future development.

  3. Essentially we're asking customers to use the new web app for 1 week, while sharing their feedback. When you register for early access, we'll contact you to gather some information and agree a schedule. You'll be invited to a Slack channel, and we'll hold a short briefing call to give you a tour of the new app. We'll ask you to sign-into the new app, and use it over the course of a week. We'll gather your feedback as you use the app, and debrief at the end of the week.

  4. The current Cloudsmith.io will continue to be available while we transition all customers over to the new web app. Once the new app is generally available, and our documentation has been updated, the legacy Cloudsmith.io will go into a maintenance mode. From that point, all new features and improvements will be made in the new web app. We'll then schedule an orderly shutdown of the legacy Cloudsmith.io.

Read the Announcement

Cloudsmith.io is a critical touchpoint for our customers, and improving it is a top priority. Read our CEO, Glenn Weinstein's announcement.
Web App teaser image