Tokens are the core building blocks of the design system, describing colors and font sizes.
Blocks are structured ways of holding content. They are the atomic parts a page is made of.
See below for a structured lists of available blocks and their variations.
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Optional Eyebrow
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Start your free trial and try Cloudsmith for real. When you're ready to talk, we'll support you as you adopt fully-featured, long-term, secure package management for your team
Start your free trial and try Cloudsmith for real. When you're ready to talk, we'll support you as you adopt fully-featured, long-term, secure package management for your team
Start your free trial and try Cloudsmith for real. When you're ready to talk, we'll support you as you adopt fully-featured, long-term, secure package management for your team
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Sample Title
Cloudsmith provides a flexible, powerful permissions system, putting you in complete control over who can access software. You can also integrate with your identity provider to control authentication, team membership and manage the lifecycle of your users.
Cloudsmith provides a flexible, powerful permissions system, putting you in complete control over who can access software. You can also integrate with your identity provider to control authentication, team membership and manage the lifecycle of your users.
Image with Text
Illustration With Text
Illustration With Text
Illustration With Text
Illustration With Text
Illustration With Text
Illustration With Text
Illustration With Text
Illustration With Text
This is an example of a primary hero with an image and a list of items.
This is an example of a primary hero with an image and a list of items.
Cloudsmith Case Studies
Cloudsmith Case Studies
Cloudsmith Case Studies
A longer text that can be used to explain something in further detail.
A longer text that can be used to explain something in further detail.
A longer text that can be used to explain something in further detail.
A set of custom icons can be used to communicate abstract ideas and product features.
Brand illustration set the visual tone. They are used to convey the notion of the product, its features and values.
They can also be used to communicate high level abstract concepts, that cannot be easily represented by stylized product UI.
Logos of supported formats and integrations are kept as SVGs, which makes them easy to inline and re-style.
Below is a list of all logos currently available as inline SVGs.